The Dominant Hand

The Dominant Hand

A while ago, I almost slipped and fell. With no conscious thought, my right hand reacted, grabbed onto the wall, and prevented an accident.

A whole lot is going on when something like this happens. And it’s all automatic. We didn’t practice so it isn’t muscle memory. We didn’t learn it by reading. We didn’t absorb it by watching other people. We are wired this way.

You can study what is physically happening in times like these.

  • You’ll discover that the inner-ear vestibular system is majorly involved in keeping us balanced and upright.
  • You’ll learn about equilibrium reactions and the Cerebellum.
  • You’ll learn about reaction time and peripheral vision.

But knowing all about it doesn’t change how it works. We are wired to be subject to our systems as they were built.

Now I've heard it said, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light". Matthew 11:28-30

The last time I listened to someone telling me what this means, I heard all about livestock, yokes, tilling the land, working together, and sharing the workload. Again.

I heard it’s easy because the yoke is Jesus, and he is in control - not us. I heard that we are to submit to His will and turn over control of our lives to Him.

I have never tilled the earth with an Ox. I have never planted wheat. I have never harvested corn or picked cotton; in fact, for most of my life, I have avoided using a lawn mower! Townhouses and condominiums take care of that stuff.

This well-worn explanation fell on poor soil, me thinks.

But, a while ago, I almost slipped and fell. With no conscious thought, my right hand reacted, grabbed onto the wall, and prevented an accident.

And I heard the verse again but with a ‘translation’ I could relate to. He’s my dominant hand! He’s my vestibular system. He’s my balance, reaction time, and my peripheral vision.

He keeps me upright. He keeps me walking in a straight line, He keeps my heart beating and governs the in/out rhythm of air pushing through my lungs.

I am fully aware that my new analogy might fall apart with the introduction of choice vs. autonomy. But that also seems to be an excellent point. Knowing how these systems are working to keep me safe, healthy, and alive makes it easier to make the choice. Turn everything over to God, the Dominant Hand.

In keeping with some sort of tradition, there is, every so often, an article people might call weird. I don't deny it and I won't fight it if you think this is one of them. I do appreciate that you took the time to listen!

Ear me now? Seriously, no yoke intended.

(Yeah, sorry. The twisted mind forced me to do it.)