MIssing Fall Colors

MIssing Fall Colors

Am I yet too early?

It's been years since I remember being wowed by the season of exuberant and lively splashes of red, orange, yellow, green, and brown.

Living in Ohio, I could never find that elusive 'peak'. I rationalized that my mistake was inability to figure out the timing because I was unfamiliar with this part of the country. But I'm now in Iowa wondering why everything changes from green to brown, sans any inspiring color. The sidewalks are full of dry leaves. I found a couple of examples of the condition of these sidewalk leaves, but when seeking treetops, the only words coming to mind say, "Nothing to see here, folks."

But the other day, I found one! I stopped in my tracks and took a photo because - I had to!

I vary the daily walking paths around town, but mere moments ago I took another picture from the same location. In just two days, things have rapidly moved toward darker hues.

As I close this preamble, I'll make a quick point, or three.

The pictures above display the rhythm of seasonal change. We also show similar rhythms. As much as we want to be the vibrant tree and the most colorful leaf, we will eventually trend toward darker shades as a matter of nature.

That leans toward melancholy.

But it doesn't have to.

If we want our grove of fall colors to hang around longer, we should ensure that the woodlands are well cared for and fertilized correctly during the growing season. Of course, weather influences fall colors as well.

If the analogy holds, we can extend our own 'color' by ensuring that we are well cared for and fertilized correctly. So, the question becomes, "How do we do this?" (Note: Do not start by drinking the Miracle Grow.)

This concept is thought of as seasons that create a full circle of life. Maybe, the diagram will help.

"The mind, if governed by the flesh, is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace." Romans 8:6.

Maybe you find it difficult to listen and be grateful. Perhaps you feel things haven't worked out well lately, or you think some lack won't let you be all you can be. Let me offer the following quote. There's a chance that a different perspective will make you smile.

“Even if you don't have all the things you want, be grateful for the things you don't have that you don't want." (Bob Dylan's dad)

  • Let's be all we can be.
  • Let's be the vibrant tree in our tribe.
  • Let's be one of the most colorful leaves of our neighborhoods.
  • Let's bring the beauty of life to everyone.