Level Up

Level Up

A 'gulp' moment is today's cornerstone. It's about those convicting, heart-skips-a-beat seconds that make those embarrassing little beads of water show up on your forehead. It's the guilt of knowing, "I could do better."

Those interventions normally sneak up while covered in the skin of reminders. You already know you've let things slide and started living without paying attention. It wasn't on purpose - it's just well, you know, life. Perhaps it's more than that. It could be an unwelcome adjustment of a once-accepted normality.

Are you curious? You are no doubt smarter than this writer and have decided to stop reading so that no interrupter of conscience gets in your way today. I completely understand - see you next week.

For the rest of us, here's the baseline. It's called the Golden Rule. It was probably something you learned in kindergarten.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Yes, treating people like you want to be treated makes perfect sense.

I've been disturbed by this lately. It's this election coming up you see. I look around and I read news articles. I listen to campaign speeches, and I can't help but wonder, "Did we all forget about the Golden Rule? Does anybody remember what it means?"

That's it, step right up.

Show yourself now.

No time like the present.

We're waiting.

Come on, don't be shy.

Um - anybody? Anybody at all?

A few of the things I have been noticing:

  • Derogatory name calling - over and over and over.
  • Body shaming.
  • Gossiping.
  • Lying. OMG, the lying.
  • Toxic Masculinity.
  • Lack of respect - for anybody.
  • Anger. Just so much anger.
  • Treating others as if they're less than you are.
  • Locker room talk.
  • Cruelty in word and deed.
  • Hatred in speech and action.
  • Finger-pointing - verifiable reasons not required.
  • Lack of accountability.
  • Lack of compassion.
  • Inability to recognize truth.
  • Me - over everybody.
  • Assigning the mantel of evil to, not deeds, but people.
  • People groups as enemies.
  • Political Party over people.
  • Political Party over - everything.
  • Cheating every person possible.
  • Stealing from every person possible.
  • Did I mention lying?

Well, all that is bad enough but is now enhanced and becoming normalized. All that is cringeworthy with a side of despair. But what made me most uncomfortable, what drew water from my forehead, and eyes, was this reminder.

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another. John 13:34-35

We need to reinstate the Golden Rule thing and then level it up by a significantly large measure. If we loved one another as Jesus loves us, NONE of those bullet points would ever see print.

And now, one last comment.

Vote your conscience but love the voter next to you, no matter what.

Vote your person but remember, everyone has that peaceful right.

Vote your party but remember, only God is in control.

We can get through anything and survive the election of either candidate - if we just remember that one verse. And that, my friends, is all I will say about this upcoming election.

A side note: Last week's complaint about the leaves changing color has been resolved. All it took was a bit of patience. The leaves this week are beautiful!