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A Story of Disappointment
Expanding from a decade-old blog (nearly 450 articles) to include a daily video email was a dream that appears to have fallen short of expectations. That has created questions: Should this concept be put to rest or is there another way to move forward?
With exhaustion and disappointment, I disconnected everything for two weeks. I have not missed posting a blog article since 2019, and now I have missed 2.
New subscriptions were closed, and existing subscriptions were refunded. I was looking closely at that towel people tend to throw in during times like this.
A Spark of Light
And then it came to me. I remembered one of the videos created for the Lion King Seasonings series, "Rewards and Struggles.” I was familiar with the content (I created it, after all.) but pulled it up and watched it again anyway. Feel free to click the link above and see it for yourself.
For years, I wanted to do something good and worthwhile. I wanted it to be easy to view and memorable. I wanted it to be creative, sometimes funny, but always inspirational and motivational.
Remembering Rewards and Struggles proved that the Sandals and a Stick 30-Second video idea was masterful. These video ‘reminders’ are not just words like, “Don’t Give Up.” They are not just colorful but forgettable memes. They are more impactful because of the video feature.
My attitude changed and I became animated with the belief that this project is worth pursuing. It is worth publishing and, with or without a profit. I am NOT giving up.
A New Mission
This renewed energy does not require returning to a profit-based subscription service. It also does not mean removing the “service”. That part of the idea IS the idea. I thought a mission statement might be helpful, if not for you, certainly for me.
“My mission is to deliver a continuous stream of straightforward yet powerful videos that inspire, motivate, and foster meaningful reflection and self-awareness.”
Moving Forward
Originally planned to be a daily email, I will now concentrate on posting these motivational and inspirational creations to social media.
Each week, Monday through Friday, one video from either the 30-Second Sermon collection or the 30-Second Seasoning assembly will be published on Facebook, LinkedIn, Bluesky, Instagram, and eventually on X. Please see the Video Examples Page.
The only requisite is for you to “Follow” (and like and share, please) “Sandals and a Stick” on your preferred platform(s).
I am excited that this decision has been made. Although time-consuming to create, these short videos fill a needed and valuable place in our lives today. We all need hope, positive influence, inspiration, healing, closer relationships, common sense, motivation, and even a bit of humor – regularly, almost like the air we breathe. This statement comes from personal experience.
We feel a great deal of turmoil and stress in today’s environment. We need to be reminded (quickly and repeatedly) how we can better ourselves as individuals affecting our private space, neighborhoods, and communities. It’s medicine for our heart and soul. It’s necessary for great relationships. It’s just - good, period.
Please Follow Sandals and a Stick, today! I hope you enjoy every single one of these now-less-intrusive guides.
The investment in these productions is somewhat draining on personal resources. I never thought I would do this, but I set up two crowdfunding pages for support purposes. Social Security is great but, well, you know.
One (GoFundMe) is very familiar to most of us. The other (Better World) has a few more options worth further exploration.
Please see the DONATE page.
In advance, I want to sincerely thank everyone for their support when viewing, following, liking, sharing, and donating.
Other Notes
If you’re uncomfortable with links, please use your browser to find the donation sites. When you open the home page, find a search box using ‘Sandals and a Stick’ to reach the donation pages. When I tried this, it seemed to work well. If you’d rather get the link by text or email, please use the Connect button and I will get back to you.
It is possible to provide daily emails should people prefer that format. Please reach out using the Connect button.
Social Media Links
if you prefer other platforms, I am willing to entertain added sites. Please use the Connect button and let me know.
If you'd like to know a little more about the beginnings of Sandals and a Stick, click the button below.